Buck Rogers' first adventure was described in Philip Francis Nowlan's novella, Armageddon - 2419 A.D., published in that famous issue of Amazing Stories.
Each of Andy's creations has a Buck Rogers - esque retro-future style, and is handmade from a mix of recycled and found objects.
Moving pictures from before World War Two showed a man named Buck Rogers landing on the planet Mars. He was a hero who could defeat any enemy from outer space.
来自二战之前的图片录像显示了一个名叫Buck Rogers的男性在火星登陆。他是一个能够打败任何外界敌意生物的英雄。
Moving pictures from before World War Two showed a man named Buck Rogers landing on the planet Mars. He was a hero who could defeat any enemy from outer space.
来自二战之前的图片录像显示了一个名叫Buck Rogers的男性在火星登陆。他是一个能够打败任何外界敌意生物的英雄。