This feature enables applications to rollback a transaction to a predetermined marker.
When it tries to use the session to commit or rollback a transaction, an IllegalStateException will occur.
This would allow you to rollback a transaction, persist data, or perform any other cleanup functions you might need.
One solution would be to have a small application that joins the open transaction branch within the engine that advises the engine to commit or rollback the open transaction.
Two-phase commit gives the transaction manager power to ensure that all resources that participate in a transaction commit or rollback together.
The transaction time includes the time at which an application's statement activity begins until a commit or rollback implicitly or explicitly ends the transaction.
A CICS program that issues a SYNCPOINT command (with or without the rollback option) cannot be subordinate to another transaction manager, and thus cannot be part of an extended or global transaction.
Not only will Client a receive an exception if it tries to roll back the transaction, but Client a cannot take corrective action because the transaction has already been marked for rollback.
The business process also has a snippet component, which you can use to raise a fault and to demonstrate a global transaction rollback.
If the application is not prepared to send the commit of "Phase 2" again the transaction branch will be aborted by a heuristical rollback initiated by the engine.
如果应用程序没有准备重新发送“第 2阶段”的提交,该事务分支将被引擎所启动的试探性回滚中止。
Note that even in the case of a rollback, the callback function must do some cleanup, removing all the records that were part of the transaction from the named memory.
When you rollback to a savepoint set earlier in a transaction, IDS just rolls back all the operations logged by the transaction after the savepoint was set.
Unfortunately, the effect of this characteristic is that a lower-level method that isn't the transaction owner might perform a rollback on exception.
Why does the commit or rollback of a transaction close the result set?
Conversely, application exceptions under EJB 1.0 automatically caused a transaction rollback under certain circumstances.
反过来说,EJB 1.0下发生的应用程序异常在某种环境下会自动导致一个事务回滚。
Once you are in a transaction, you may use PDO: : commit or PDO: : rollBack to finish it, depending on the success of the code you run during the transaction.
A transaction callback must be defined in the objectgrid.xml to receive transaction commit or rollback events and send it to the JPA layer.
The domain class properly has a transaction attribute of MANDATORY because the client is starting the transaction, and the domain model (insertTrade()) is not responsible for rollback.
Stateful components can be problematic in a web context because of managing cached state for example - many applications break when a rollback occurs because the state isn't tied to the transaction.
This means that if the transaction ends with a rollback, the record is removed from the auditTable table.
Hence, both actions need to be within a single transaction with a single outcome: either both actions occur (a commit outcome), or neither action occurs (a rollback outcome).
Prior to the two-phase commit process, all work performed during the transaction is said to be in-flight, and failure during this period will lead to a rollback of work.
This lets you set, rollback, and release savepoints in a transaction.
In the case of an error, the transaction logic can specify that the transaction rollback to a savepoint.
The transaction log is stored as a sequential disk file (or sometimes in a raw partition) and will generally only be written to, not read from, except in the case of rollback or recovery.
Below you have the example how to rollback the transaction branch for a database.
First, if a method did not start a transaction, it has no business managing that transaction (for example, marking it for rollback).
So COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements are important building blocks of a transaction implementation.
This option specifies whether or not a CICS transaction abend should trigger an automatic rollback of the RRS unit of Recovery and force a back-out of all updates made within the CICS unit of work.
This illustrates the use of savepoints in a scenario where you would want to rollback just a small part of a transaction.