The chemical components and microstructure are analyzed for the hot-rolled reinforced bar, of which the yield point is not so clear, some measures proposed.
A process for producing a stamper substrate in which a rolled metal sheet can entirely be used as a substrate material to thereby enable maintaining high production yield.
The results show that when the nitrogen content is decreased, the yield strength of hot rolled plate decreases, which meets the requirement of cold-rolled base stuff.
Over the years it has rolled out solutions specifically designed to help designers improve quality by dealing with issues related to a design's manufacturability, reliability and yield.
Compared with the strip produced by conventional austenite rolling, the yield strength of the ferrite rolled strip was lower by about 20%, with same elongation and strain hardening exponent.
When the aluminum content increases, the grain size of cold-rolled annealed panel becomes small, but the hardness, yield strength and tensile strength of stainless steel 439 increase.
In the same case of magnesium content the impact toughness of hot-rolled plates were higher than cold-rolled, while the cold-rolled plates had good tensile and yield strength.
In the same case of magnesium content the impact toughness of hot-rolled plates were higher than cold-rolled, while the cold-rolled plates had good tensile and yield strength.