Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino, Italy, has worked on Ötzi the iceman.
意大利卡梅里诺大学的学者FrancoRollo 是研究“冰人奥兹”的专家。
Rollo was a living connection to the great European philosophers who had been formative for me.
On the cover of one of my books, Up from Eden, was a quote from Rollo: "Ken Wilber is the most passionate philosopher I know."
在我的一本书,《来自伊甸园》(Up from Eden,)的封面上,援引了罗洛说的一句话:“肯·威尔伯是我所见过的最有热情的哲学家。”
Brotherly Bonding: Rollo (Clive Standen) will continue to serve the King of Denmark as a faithful warrior in the new season.
The traditional tour operators' business model is out of date, says Jamie Rollo of Morgan Stanley, a bank. Their fixed costs are high.
Will not appear on the negation of desire, but the desire to consolidate and upgrade to a higher level of consciousness. - Rollo.
During the period of social transformation, the concepts of Rollo May has on important inspiring enlightenment in establishing our moral value system.
The gestalt therapy created by him, together with Rogers' and Rollo May's psychotherapies are ranked to be the three most important psychotherapies of humanism.
Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino, Italy, has worked on Ötzi the iceman (pictured), who died around 3300 BC and whose mummified remains were found in the Alps in 1991.
意大利卡梅里诺大学的学者FrancoRollo 是研究“冰人奥兹”的专家,“冰人奥兹”生活在公元前3300年,其干尸于1991年在阿尔卑斯山地区被发现。
In my 2nd year of training Rollo May's book "Existence" was published and had an enormous impact upon me, opening up a whole new perspective on viewing and ameliorating despair.
In my 2nd year of training Rollo May's book "Existence" was published and had an enormous impact upon me, opening up a whole new perspective on viewing and ameliorating despair.