Another utterly underwhelming action rom-com, this time with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler.
I love comedy, though I find it more challenging. A rom-com is a more challenging thing for me.
Sparks are set to fly in this Polish period rom-com as an irresistible hedonist tries to woo a beautiful girl who's sworn never to marry.
After meeting in Swift's dressing room for 2010 rom-com Valentine's Day, in which she had a bit part, the pair never quite made it past a few months together.
The two highest-grossing movies in Chinese film history, last year's rom-com The Mermaid ($554 million) and 2015's live-action animation Monster Hunt ($385 million), were both 100% Chinese.
The two highest-grossing movies in Chinese film history, last year's rom-com The Mermaid ($554 million) and 2015's live-action animation Monster Hunt ($385 million), were both 100% Chinese.