The solution is to build a sliding layer in the roof covering and wall space.
Routine roof covering structure great majority are that the armoured concrete shows the dyadic flat Ao Yu device roof covering.
This European standard specifies the characteristics of flexible sheets for underlays which are to be used under roof covering of discontinuous roofs.
For uniformity, the swimming pool has the same proportions as the living rooms and outside roof covering, and extends right up to the main bedroom, emphasizing its position of importance.
First, as the structure begins to sway, the heavy-tiled roof covering the extended eaves of each storey ACTS like the long pole with weights on the ends that a tightrope walker USES to steady himself.
Their solution was a new roof: a shiny plasticized white covering that experts say is not only an energy saver but also a way to help cool the planet.
The mesh extends up and over the roof of building covering a garden on top. Balconies between the two facades wrap the entire building to create a curved outline.
The dynamic LED lighting surface covering the undulating ceilings of the outdoor roof canopies gives the Busan Cinema Center its symbolic and representative iconographic feature.
The glass blocks covering the walls and roof allow natural light to illuminate the entries and extend below-grade through the diagonal space of the stairs and escalators.
The dynamic LED lighting surface covering the undulating ceilings of the outdoor roof canopies gives the Busan Cinema Center its symbolic and representative iconographic feature.
A garden covering the building's roof enhances the building's connection to its context and features plants chosen for their similarity to those found on the surrounding cliffs.
The roof unfolds across the volume, covering the internal spaces with planes of various gradients and inclines, allowing for the introduction of natural light in carefully chosen areas.
The plan intends to create a large green roof continuous with the ground extending the earth surface covering the lower functions and spaces.
The present invention provides a roof-covering component and its application.
Fasten the convertible -top covering with the fastening screws starting from the rear bottom side of the roof frame.
The building is topped by a ventilated roof with a metal sheet covering.
And fifty buckles of brass wherewith the roof might be knit together, that of all the curtains there might be made one covering.
The shape of the facade is determined by the design of the laboratories inside, covering the ducts that drop from roof-level plant enclosures down the West facade to supply air to each laboratory.
We was living then in a solitary place, but among the beautifullest trees, and with the roses a-covering our Bein to the roof…
We was living then in a solitary place, but among the beautifullest trees, and with the roses a-covering our Bein to the roof…