Today, some dismiss sofas as banal and overused, while the decorator Nate Berkus says that every living room should be built around the perfect sofa.
今天,虽然装修设计师Nate Berkus说过每一个客厅的装修都应该围绕着完美的沙发展开,但有些摒弃沙发的平庸设计却很泛滥。
Today, some dismiss sofas as banal and overused, while the decorator Nate Berkus says that every living room should be built around the perfect sofa.
今天,虽然装修设计师Nate Berkus说过每一个客厅的装修都应该围绕着完美的沙发展开,但有些摒弃沙发的平庸设计却很泛滥。