The effect of this strain on seedling root rot of soybean was also tested in pot experiment.
Some cultivars or lines possibly carry new Phytophthora resistance genes that are effective to control Phytophthora root rot of soybean in China.
Huber, D. M. , Cheng, M. W. , and Winsor, B. A. 2005. Association of severe Corynespora root rot of soybean with glyphosate-killed giant ragweed. Phytopathology 95, S45.
Allelopathic effect of root exudates on pathogenic fungi of root rot in continuous cropping soybean was studied by sand culture, water culture, and indoor culture experiments.
The results showed that fertility raising practices not only reduced the occurrence of soybean root rot disease, but also increased plant height, dry matter accumulation and yield of soybean.
Molecular mechanism of interaction between soybean and F. oxysporum has not been reported yet and the understanding of which would help to research and control soybean root rot.
Confront culture results showed that Trichoderma had stronger advantages of spatial competion to the pathogens of soybean root rot.
The disease index of soybean root rot was reduced. The plant height, stem diameter, root Numbers, dry matter accumulation and yield were increased.
The disease index of soybean root rot was reduced. The plant height, stem diameter, root Numbers, dry matter accumulation and yield were increased.