Explanation: What surrounds the florid Rosette nebula?
This WISE image shows off the flower-shaped nebula, NGC 2237, also known as the rosette nebula.
The Rosette Nebula itself, and its massive cluster of stars, is located to the right of the picture.
The Rosette nebula, located within the constellation Monoceros (the Unicorn), glows appropriately pink in this image released August 25.
玫瑰星云(Rosette nebula)位于麒麟座(constellationMonoceros)之中,这张散发着粉红光芒的星云照片发布于8月25日。
The center of the Rosette Nebula, which glows with the red light of ionized hyrdorgen, is fueled by a central cluster of powerful giant stars.
WISE picked up the rosy glow of the nebula's warm dust clouds, but the Rosette nebula is visible from the ground with a small telescope or a good pair of binoculars.
This montage of Voyager spacecraft pictures shows the eight planets, plus four of Jupiter's moons, sprawled against the backdrop of the Rosette Nebula and on the horizon of Earth's moon.
Of the many excellent Rosette Nebula pictures submitted to APOD editors, this view seemed most appropriate, with a long stem of glowing hydrogen gas in the region included in the composition.
Of the many excellent Rosette Nebula pictures submitted to APOD editors, this view seemed most appropriate, with a long stem of glowing hydrogen gas in the region included in the composition.