The references to is provided dynamic design and fault diagnosis of rotor-bearing system.
The bearing stiffness has a considerable influence on the dynamic characteristics of a rotor-bearing system.
The governing equation of the motion of a geared rotor-bearing system is developed according to linear dynamic theory.
The practical rotor-bearing system is of high dimension and strong nonlinearity, so it is difficult to analyze it directly.
The results may bring up theoretical references for fault diagnoses, dynamic design, and security running to rotor-bearing system.
The control of the constant Phase difference between the current and the displacement of the magnetic damper in rotor-bearing system is studied.
The present study is to introduce the Kolmogorov complexity measure analysis to the field of the early fault diagnosis for rotor-bearing system.
The motion equation of nonlinear rotor-bearing system is established and the frequency responding equation is obtained by multiple-scales method.
Aiming at 600mw turbo-generator rotor-bearing system, the natural frequencies of rotor are calculated by ANSYS to analyze the vibration characteristics.
Therefore, the calculation of critical speed of anisotropic supporting rotor-bearing system of the PMSM is a typical mechanical and electrical coupling problem.
Based on rotor dynamics and the basic principle of gear mesh, this paper sets up the lateral-torsional coupling vibration theory of a general geared rotor-bearing system.
A reduction calculation method based on fixed interface component mode synthesis is applied to analyze nonlinear dynamic stability of an actual large-scale rotor-bearing system.
In order to study half-speed whirl that is subjected to nonlinear oil force of rotor-bearing system, the Wu Elimination method and symbolic calculation method are combined in this paper.
为研究转子 轴承系统中非线性油膜力引起的半速涡动 ,本文给出了将吴文俊消去法和符号计算相结合的分析方法。
It is verified by both theory and practice that this rotor-bearing system, to which small thrust load is applied, is suitable for small load and high-speed machine with cantilevered end.
The dynamics of rotor-bearing system is affected largely by the angular stiffness of the gear couplings, hence the experimental investigation is necessary for the characteristics of the system.
The central content of this thesis includes identifying and revising the critical rotate speed-dynamic parameters of rotor-bearing system by the artificial neural network theory and harmonic wavelet.
The influence of eccentricity mass moment and the bearing stiffness to vibration characteristics of rotor system was discussed in detail.
The dynamic behavior of a half coupling is described by six coefficients, and the vibration model of bearing rotor system with a gear coupling is developed.
The gear rotor bearing system (GRBS) is of great importance in high speed rotating machinery.
This testing technique has been applied to stability study on a rotor bearing system supported by various kinds of bearing.
Nonlinear behaviors of balanced rotor dynamical system with sliding bearing supports were analyzed.
Considering the time varying meshing stiffness of gear pair, the nonlinear dynamic model of a geared rotor bearing system is established.
The stability, bifurcation and chaos of a rotor bearing system is analyzed by using the modified short bearing approach.
The dynamic characteristics of the bearings have a considerable influence on the dynamic characteristics of a rotor bearing system.
This paper based on the eight coefficients of sliding bearing dynamic properties, get by calculated to forecasted lose rotational speeds and stability extent of rotor bearing system.
Stability and coupling dynamic behaviors of a journal active electromagnetic bearing rotor system are analyzed.
The rotor bearing system was analyzed by using a simple discrete method. The results of the analysis are quite different from those obtained under the finite element analysis method.
In a rotor bearing system geared, there are several nonlinear factors that may cause nonlinear vibration.
In this paper, a method of transient numerical simulation to simulate and analyze the nonlinear vibration of rotor bearing system is presented.
On the assumption of short bearings, consideration the vertical deformation of the foundation, the coupled nonlinear dynamic model of the rotor bearing foundation system is formulated in this paper.