The advantages of coated cemented carbide tool in dry milling of high-strength steel are demonstrated, and the workpiece surface roughness reaches the level of semi-finishing grinding.
The effective factors of milling force and the machined surface roughness are focused on when high speed milling TC4.
选择了钛合金tc4进行高速铣削试验,重点研究了高速铣削tc 4钛合金铣削力的影响因素及已加工表面粗糙度。
The parallel milling is adopted to curved surface NC machining. The row spacing has an effect on surface roughness of workpiece.
Forging die is the most suitable for high Speed Milling application, because of its high hardness I material and lower surface roughness.
Forging die is the most suitable for high Speed Milling application, because of its high hardness I material and lower surface roughness.