TCP transmission experimental results also point out that the extra round trip time caused by OBS layer has great influence on the available TCP bandwidth.
Effective cache mechanism can avoid round trip time to database, avoid calculations which occupying much time, save server resource, as well as improving the response time and waiting time.
As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP.
On the other hand, if you can use hints from the client and server, so the server can prepare for the incoming late-model, high-performance sports car, then round-trip time can be reduced.
However, with high-speed networks, such as Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, the round-trip time (hence retransmission timeout) is expected to be much lower.
When the CPU load goes up, the time taken for a log file sync round trip can increase even when the number of log file syncs and the volume of redo log generated doesn't change.
Checking is easy but expensive (you have to make an extra call to SimpleDB, which is slow since it's a whole HTTP round trip plus the processing time on Amazon's side).
Latency is the amount of time (usually measured in milliseconds) that a packet of data takes to get from one point to another and then back in a round trip.
So I don't want to round-trip the entire form to server just to validate a single field, or download the thousands of possible airport IATA codes to the client each time.
You can compare latency in online games to the round-trip time it takes parents to drive from home to the store and back.
By measuring the amount of time taken executing this method, you will know how long a round-trip call into the grid is taking.
The SLA should specify an average round-trip latency and packet loss over a given time period — within a month, say.
The time taken for this round-trip of request and acknowledgment determines the network's latency.
This incurs average extra latency of the round-trip (ping) time to the user divided by the number of connections allowed.
The SLA should specify an average round-trip latency and packet loss over a given time period—within a month, for example.
SLA应该指定一个给定时段(例如 1个月)内的平均往返延迟和包损失。
The "Round trip per message" (the response time as seen by the OEMPUTX) is 55.482 milliseconds.
每条消息的往返传递(Round trip per message)时间(由OEMPUTX观察到的响应时间)是55.482微秒。
If you could have a round-trip ride in a time machine and travel any distance into the past or future, where would you want to go?
The use of low earth orbit satellites helps minimize round-trip-time, which greatly improves the perceived quality of the phone call.
To this must be added the round trip back from the motorway to collect Ginny's diary only half an hour this time!
The time for the first retransmission attempt is adjusted according to the calculated round-trip time and the resulting stretch of time that those attempts take varies accordingly.
The infrastructure USES an exponential back-off algorithm to determine when to retransmit, based on a computed average round-trip time.
Taking a one hour round trip out to a retail store to save $5 on printer ink just isn't a good use of your time.
The next time the connection is retrieved from the pool used, the reset connection request piggybacks on the first round trip to the server and executes before the user performs any operations.
The round-trip travel time pinpoints the Earth-Moon distance.
With mild weather all year round, any time is a great time to visit Hamilton Island. However, there are some unique features to each season that it's worth keeping in mind if you're planning a trip.
Doing a round the world trip has been on the back of my mind for over 10 years and I feel now is the time I can properly do it and enjoy it.
Doing a round the world trip has been on the back of my mind for over 10 years and I feel now is the time I can properly do it and enjoy it.