You need to set your news reader to retrieve the RSS feed from the WHO web site.
If your website is content-heavy and is updated frequently (e.g. a blog or news site), having an RSS feed will be a necessary site feature for keeping your users up-to-date with fresh content.
RSS feed generators are popular among people who wish to glance at the headlines of news sites (for example, CNN) or to know about the latest updates in the sports world.
I have an RSS Feed to the community site that makes this an easy way to stay up on important news from across the community.
我有一个团体网站的RSS Feed,可以轻松地使新闻挂在社区重要新闻的位置。
An RSS document is an XML file that contains a number of discrete news items, such as entries in a Web log (see Figure 1 for a sample RSS feed).
It is far easier to read a short message on Twitter or to see an announcement in an RSS feed than to remember to visit the community news page regularly.
Using an RSS feed for the project news is also a must these days.
现今,为项目新闻使用RSS feed也是必要的。
You'll create an RSS-to-spreadsheet converter, which retrieves all the news stories from a remote RSS feed, extracts story metadata from the feed, and places it in spreadsheet rows and columns.
To keep up with the latest news about bird flu, including the most important scientific developments, you can visit the Nature Reports Avian flu website and sign up for an RSS feed.
The RSS feed plug-in checks for updates on the Australian Open event using RSS feed technology and displays the latest news headlines in the mini-app area of your Lotus Sametime Connect client.
rss提要插件将使用rss提要技术来查找有关澳大利亚公开赛的最新赛况,并在LotusSametimeConnect客户机的mini - app区域中显示最新的新闻标题。
RSS Feeds: Add an RSS feed to your blog and news sections so people visiting your site can subscribe to your feed and stay updated on your nonprofits latest news.
RSS Feeds:在博客上加入RRS功能,人们访问你的网站就可以订阅,并能及时获知你最近的新闻。
Most webmasters who attach an XSLT stylesheet to their RSS or Atom feed include instructions on how to install a news aggregator and subsequently subscribe to their feed.
For our example, we will stick with this news-oriented paradigm and produce an RSS feed from our blog.
Look at the RSS format in Listing 1, which USES a sample document from the NASA "Liftoff News" feed.
请查看清单1中的rss格式,它使用了一个来自NASA “LiftoffNews ”提要的示例文档。
RSS feed readers allow you to read news sources or blogs in a single application or Web site.
It simply downloads the latest RSS feed, and then transforms it to just the data that you need for the application, modeled by the Item and News classes.
The next time you open Lotus Sametime the RSS feed plug-in appears in the mini-apps area in your Contacts list, and it displays the latest news from the Australian open event as shown in figure 1.
下一次打开LotusSametime时,rss提要插件将出现在Contacts列表的mini - apps区域中,而且将显示最新的澳大利亚公开赛的新闻事件,如图1所示。
Managers can now create customs news feeds by adding an RSS feed, an Atom feed, or just a Web site URL.
现在LinkedIn小组管理员可以通过添加RSS feed,Atom feed或者网址来制作个性化feed文件。
Containing classified information, text broadcast, special characters, gallery, reviews, interviews, feature, etc. , and with the text version of the news reports, providing RSS feed.
Containing classified information, text broadcast, special characters, gallery, reviews, interviews, feature, etc. , and with the text version of the news reports, providing RSS feed.