Trying to get the silverware clean we have to exert ourselves to rub away for hours.
I put it on right before bed and in the morning I rub my lips with a soft wet washcloth to rub away the product and dry layers of skin.
Applicati on: apply an appropriate amount on to the hand. massage for 5 to 10 minutes to gently rub away the dead surface skin cells. rinse with water.
用法:将本品适量涂于手部,轻揉5 ~10分钟,直到死皮出现用清水冲洗即可。
Rub a medical table, resolutely away, but also what?
"Fear not," it seemed to say. "Write just what you please, one rub will wipe all away!"
Rub along problem areas of feet and smooth away rough, dry skin.
Right after the meal I developed a massive set of cramps in my thighs and calfs. It took about half an hour to rub the cramps away.
She rubbed the key on a stone, but she could not rub the mark away.
She rubbed the key with a cloth, but the mark did not go away. She washed the key in hot water, but the mark was not washed away. She rubbed the key on a stone, but she could not rub the mark away.
Not to be sold in pieces. Rub on a box of matches safely and throw it away from you immediately. For outdoor use only.
I wetted a piece of paper and tried to rub the mark away.
I wetted a piece of paper and tried to rub the mark away.