A creeping perennial herb (Rubus chamaemorus) in the rose family, native to northern regions of North America and Eurasia and having white flowers and edible, yellowish fruit.
兴安悬钩子:一种蔷薇科的多年生蔓生草本植物(兴安悬钩子悬钩子属) ,原产于北美及欧亚北部地区,开白花,结浅黄可食的果实。
A creeping perennial herb (Rubus chamaemorus) in the rose family, native to northern regions of North America and Eurasia and having white flowers and edible, yellowish fruit.
兴安悬钩子:一种蔷薇科的多年生蔓生草本植物(兴安悬钩子悬钩子属) ,原产于北美及欧亚北部地区,开白花,结浅黄可食的果实。