It can be a ruinously tong time.
In fact, it's not a system at all: it is a ruinously expensive, tiring and highly political game in which almost everyone emerges a loser.
Technology also threatens to fracture television into individual programmes, just as it has ruinously broken music albums into individual tracks.
Too many brokers were far more interested in earning fat fees for steering their clients to ruinously priced loans that the borrowers could never hope to repay.
Farmers had two roles: first, to produce as much grain as possible for urban consumption, however ruinously low the prices; second, to provide cheap Labour to the cities.
If introduced at the same flat rate throughout the country, this could be ruinously expensive for many small businesses, and stoke more inflation as employees seek to maintain their pay differentials.
If introduced at the same flat rate throughout the country, this could be ruinously expensive for many small businesses, and stoke more inflation as employees seek to maintain their pay differentials.