There are all sorts of reasons for different biases and finally is it based on an informal heuristic or an informal rule of thumb that just won't stand up to scrutiny here.
Second, combining with the result of first step, it carries out branch exchange by using heuristic rule to reduce the defect due to using a method independently and improve the optimization effect.
The algorithm consists of two parts: a heuristic enclosed contour searching algorithm and a rule based depth fill-in algorithm.
Based on the association chart, heuristic method was used to get the partition rule. The rule was applied for module partition of vertical and multichannel pouch packaging machine.
This knowledge includes heuristic, rule of thumb problem solving strategies, as well as facts that can only be known to a machine if it is told.
This dissertation defines the heuristic information in ACO properly and designs the corresponding ACO's state transition rule and pheromone updating rule.
By combining heuristic rule and case, we put forward a collision solution support technique by integrating case-based and rule-based reasoning.
After describing real application, it presents the best location query, the priority of target object, the heuristic rule to delete data objects, and analyzes the time complexity of the algorithm.
After describing real application, it presents the best location query, the priority of target object, the heuristic rule to delete data objects, and analyzes the time complexity of the algorithm.