What it will do is create a whole new ruling class.
The ruling class, most from three generations ago, are bewildered.
The second part is mainly discusses the worship of Buddhism of the ruling class in and after Qin Dynasty.
The ruling class occupies the position in the mainstream of culture, and owns the selection right of curriculum culture.
The ruling class may know "in which direction and with which pilot" they are flying, he says; but the plane is shaking disconcertingly.
In cricket, as in life, Pakistan's ruling class should recognise that its country's man-made problems are largely its own responsibility.
The Norman Conquest brought a new ruling class to Anglo-Saxon England and a new language to the culture for the next 300 years - Norman French.
Added to the mediocrity and ineptitude of our ruling class there was an oil boom, which has produced an unparalleled period of decadence and decline.
The unified giant empire, Yuan Dynasty was built by Mongolian nationality, in which the ruling class was composed of aristocrats from different nation alities.
Both the emergence of the criminal behaviour per se and the rules on crime stipulated by the ruling class are decided by the conditions of material life of the society.
Most Oaxaca archaeologists consider the royal palace to be evidence of a specialized ruling class and the multi-room temple to be evidence of a specialized priestly class.
Later, neo-Confucianism was upgraded to official philosophy by the ruling class, which made it a rule that neo-Confucianism should be the main content of the imperial civil examinations.
Some see the ruling this week as yet more evidence of the tide turning against securities class actions.
That pampering very much included the business class, which, when not actually drawn from the ranks of the ruling clan and its allies, benefited from sweetheart deals of various kinds.
The business community has said that a ruling for the women would lead to a flood of class-action lawsuits based on vague evidence.
A dissenting Jordanian judge on the arbitration court said the ruling makes the Misseriya "second-class citizens on their own land and creates conditions which may deny them access to water."
A dissenting Jordanian judge on the arbitration court said the ruling makes the Misseriya "second-class citizens on their own land and creates conditions which may deny them access to water."