Relatively, rumen fungi had a less number and slower growth rate compared with rumen bacteria.
Objective:To investigate the change of rumen bacteria floras after diets of beef cattle supplemented with 2% fish oil.
The growth of rumen bacteria was inhibited due to the shortage of the nitrogen supply in the high forage diet (70% Chinese wildrye and 30% concentrate).
Abstract: the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of quercetin supplemented in high-concentrate diet on rumen fermentation, rumen bacteria counts and serum indices of goats.
The main methods used, or under investigation, for production of rumen gene engineering bacteria are:gene deletion technique, gene recombination technique and the application of promotor.
Rumen is a complex micro-ecosystem where bacteria, protozoa and anaerobic fungi are the three major microorganism groups.
All the 4 strains of cellulolytic bacteria and mixed rumen microbes can grow in the chemically defined medium with ammonia-nitrogen or peptide or amino acid as the sole nitrogen source.
The study was conducted to examine the feasibility of spectrofluorimetry used to study the phagocytosis of rumen protozoa on bacteria.
The study was conducted to examine the feasibility of spectrofluorimetry used to study the phagocytosis of rumen protozoa on bacteria.