You can Ctrl + Shift + Click on a taskbar icon to run the application as an Administrator with full rights (provided your account has permissions).
你可以使用Ctrl +Shift +Click点击任务栏上的图标以具有所有权限的管理员身份运行程序(假设你的账户有权限)。
You also need to run FSCK as the system administrator, which means Ubuntu users need to create an account from the Ubuntu Live CD by typing sudo passwd root, followed by sudo bash.
你需要以管理员身份运行fsck,这意味着Ubuntu用户需要用UbuntuLiveCD创建一个用户,只需先后键入以下两条命令sudopasswdroot, sudo bash。
Run As command and select an administrator account.
Run As command and select an administrator account.