You can specify the staff repository and its access parameters in your task model indirectly by entering the JNDI name of a staff plug-in configuration, available as a run time server resource.
Now, with the contents of the XML test file in hand, I use the value-of tag to print the name of the test run followed by a carriage return with the XSL: text tag (see Listing 5).
现在得到了XML测试文件的内容,我使用value - of标签打印运行的测试名,后面通过xsl:text标签增加了回车换行符(如清单5所示)。
To create a response file, you simply invoke the portable collector with the -record option, followed by the name of the response file, For example, in a Linux environment, you would run.
要创建响应文件,只需在调用便携收集器时使用- record选项,后面跟着响应文件的名称,例如在Linux环境中,您将运行以下命令。
You do so by using the run command, which takes a single argument: the name of the script file enclosed in single quotes.
The Axis web service needs information at run time that is provided by the deploy.wsdd file to tell it the name of the service end-point and how to publish it as a web service.
AxisWeb服务运行时需要deploy .wsdd文件提供的信息,以确定服务端点的名称和将其作为Web服务发布的方式。
The administrator can edit the agent in Domino Designer, set the "Run on behalf of" value to the name of the user that was disabled by the update, and enable the agent.
管理员可以在DominoDesigner 中编辑代理,将“Runon behalf of”值设置为被更新所禁用的用户的名称,并启用代理。
In the Security TAB, specify that you want the web service to run with the effective user name of the user invoking the web service by checking run as web user.
To use the TDB shell, just run tdbtool by itself or pass the name of the file on the command line.
I forgot the name of the shop but it is run by a husband and wife team (the wife has curly hair) and it is the only shop with cushions on the chairs.
I forgot the name of the shop but it is run by a husband and wife team (the wife has curly hair) and it is the only shop with cushions on the chairs.