You may want to retrieve all of the results from all of the files and run a second pass of sorting, or score based on the presence of the query word in the file.
In the short run, I think that means we can expect a lot of flailing about by politicians looking for some way to score points.
Of course, there's also Boeing's laser-equipped 747. While it wasn't introduced in 2010, it did score some of its biggest successes then —and run into its biggest roadblocks.
Ferrari had failed to score in the previous race in Britain and Massa had a run of three RACES without a point behind him before Hockenheim.
You may score good marks by burning the midnight oil before the exams, but in the long run you have to study hard every day to achieve academic excellence.
To win, a team must score more runs in 9 innings than its opponent, and a run is a complete circuit of the bases.
When a baseball player hits the ball, he must run to each base -- in order -- and touch it with his foot. It is the only way to score a point.
Score 20000 points in single run. 20000 left.
Score 50000 points in single run.
The score of javelin throwing is closely related with the run-up speed and the highest speed point in throwing.
The score of javelin throwing is closely related with the run-up speed and the highest speed point in throwing.