For PET resin, the processing temperature window of which is relatively narrow, hot runner plate could be used in the multi-cavity hot runner injection molding.
Runner plate design with balanced and stable runner as well as even heat distribution: open hot runner nozzle tip for high temperature and high wear-resisting engineering plastics;
Think of what would happen to the base-runner called safe at home-plate who said to the umpire, “Excuse me, sir, but although you missed it, I failed to touch third base.”
A full set of heat runner system is made up of a balancing shunting plate, a heat spout and a high precision temperature controller.
The company sales of hot runner accessories: hot nozzle, shunt plate, thermostat, heating coil, heating rods, thermocouple, connectors, junction box.
The company sales of hot runner accessories: hot nozzle, shunt plate, thermostat, heating coil, heating rods, thermocouple, connectors, junction box.