Premature rupture of membrane; Dystocia; Complications.
Premature rupture of membrane is a complication commonly occurred in pregnancy.
Objective: to probe into the ways of extending the pregnancy period for persons who get preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM).
Premature rupture of membrane, fetal distress, severe pregnancy induced hypertension, placenta praevia were the main risk factors of premature delivery.
The result indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups and artificial rupture of membrane could make the birth process shorter.
Intrauterine bacterial infection is closely associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, which are spontaneous abortion, premature rupture of membrane, preterm labor, fetal growth restriction etc.
Preventive antimicrobial agents usage, early diagnosis of infection and timely termination of pregnancy are effective means to prevent infection caused by premature rupture of fetal membrane.
The article introduces the technique of fully-adhered SBS waterproofing membrane roofing system, which can prevent zero elongation rupture.
The result shows that the internal sinks are found in part of the orthopaedy wood, cell cavity becomes small. and pit membrane is broken up. but the cell wall does not rupture.
With the removal of oxygen from sickle hemoglobin, the red blood cell deforms into a sickled shape. This sickling damages the RBC membrane and increases the likelihood of rupture and anemia.
This finding, in association with a decrease of amniotic fluid volume, may be attributed to early amniotic membrane rupture as the primary event in the pathogenesis of body stalk anomaly.
The invention relates to a tool and a method for diagnosing premature rupture of a membrane by continuous monitoring, which are applicable to household.
Placenta previa, premature rupture of fetal membrane (PROM), multiple pregnancy and maternal chronic hypertension are the main rlated factors of premature delivery;
Objective To explore the protect effects of tympanic membrane rupture on the inner ear after blast exposure.
Objective To explore the protect effects of tympanic membrane rupture on the inner ear after blast exposure.