They are volunteered to be assigned to teach in rural areas because they are eager to help develop rural education.
In order to promote education equity, China has invested 36 billion to improve rural educational facilities and strengthen the rural compulsory education in the central and western regions.
Support rural education, rekindle hope.
It will help boost rural education standards.
Rural education reform is a hot spot in education research.
Rural education has been faced up to lots of problems. The growth of rural compulsory education input stays sluggish.
In recent years, rural education, especially rural fundamental education has became the discussion and concerning focus of scholars.
"Rural Education Movement" is characterized by the fok educating subject, the whole-people educating object and the appropriate educating content.
The article analyzed the urban-rural gap in education status, the reasons and put forward measures to narrow the gap between urban and rural education.
The experiment of the rural education in China modern times is a wonderful part in the history of Chinese education, leaving us a rich heritage of education and rural development.
Philosophy of rural education could inspire us for the solution to our current cultural paradoxes in rural education, which is included in the American poet Wendell Berry 's thought.
At present, a large number of outflowing rural elite labor in China has led to the void of rural construction subject, the situation is partly caused by the dislocation of rural education.
The result is that a Finnish child has a good chance of getting the same quality education no matter whether he or she lives in a rural village or a university town.
There are some difficulties in popularizing junior high education in rural areas.
"There was no access to clean water, there was no access to basic education especially in the rural areas where the archaeology was," she says.
ALI MOKDAD: "less education, less income in some of these rural counties, more likely to be smokers, more likely to be obese."
India's education and health system is a disgrace, especially in rural areas; Bangladesh does a much better job, despite being poorer.
An especially important recommendation, "Match curricula with rural health needs" (3.1.4), focuses on medical education.
Unprecedented fierce competition in the market today, China's rural labor force by virtue of years of education per capita reached only primary school level, how to get rich?
We will energetically develop vocational education, with the focus on supporting rural secondary vocational education.
Local youngsters from rural homes, with often no more than a junior high school education, are being taught to use computers.
It targets medical education, regulatory interventions, financial incentives, and personal and professional support for rural practitioners.
He also announced exemptions for education tuition for some rural citizens, and subsidies for others.
"India has major issues regarding education, health [and] rural sanitation, and these struggle to get funds," said the columnist Praful Bidwai.
We accelerated the renovation of dilapidated primary and secondary school buildings in rural areas and the development of vocational education infrastructure.
The intermediante level of education of rural-urban black migrants has seved to lower the average level of education in both the black population of origin and the area of destination.
Many rural families are ending their children's education earlier and sending them out to work to alleviate their economic burden.
Many rural families are ending their children's education earlier and sending them out to work to alleviate their economic burden.