After the Soviet Union's collapse, "anxiety for the future" depressed birthrates in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Russia and Eastern Europe have seen little increase in fertility and Mediterranean countries only modest rises.
Russia and eastern Europe have seen little increase in fertility and Mediterranean countries only modest rises.
And even if she is an expert on Russia and Eastern Europe, what about the Middle East, China and Latin America?
With poor crops in Russia and Eastern Europe, international wheat prices have jumped more than 50 percent since June.
The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.
And despite painful times, many in Eastern Europe and Russia are much better off today than 20 years ago.
Outside the U.S., the automaker delivered robust sales in India, Russia, and Eastern Europe.
Most children come from Russia (4,491last year) and China (4,206) but there are also thousands of others adopted annually from South America, Asia and Eastern Europe.
In the lower right panel, notice the striking differences between temperatures in the eastern and western U.S., and the enormous, lethal heatwave signature in eastern Europe and Russia.
In the lower right panel, notice the striking differences between temperatures in the eastern and western U. S., and the enormous, lethal heatwave signature in eastern Europe and Russia.
By being tougher on Russia, he will at a stroke improve German relations with central and eastern Europe.
The study finds that most migration is from Commonwealth of Independent States countries into Russia, and from central and Eastern Europe to Western Europe.
Belarus is a landlocked nation-state in Eastern Europe that borders Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia.
Amid evidence that people in eastern Europe are being deprived of heating as the Arctic cold snap continues, Russia and Ukraine continued to blame each other for the deadlock.
There is a new map of eastern Europe and the border area of Russia and I believe it's actually in Russia's interest to come to terms with that.
An unparalleled heat wave in eastern Europe, coupled with intense droughts and fires in Russia, put Earth's temperatures in the headlines this summer.
First of all, being Russian, we are partly European and partly Asian - so is Russia Eastern Europe or Western Asia?
SHANGHAI — Across Eastern Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Gobi Desert— it certainly was a long way to go without getting lost.
Manzhouli is an important gateway for business in Inner Mongolia and receives 60 percent of all of China's trade to and from Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe.
They are: contradictions between the West countries, between the West and Russia, between the West and South Eastern Europe states and between South Eastern Europe states themselves.
When the Iron Curtain lifted, we expanded our alliance to include the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, and built new bridges to Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union.
When the Iron Curtain lifted, we expanded our alliance to include the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, and built new bridges to Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union.