For metal corrosion, rust inhibitor.
The result shows the inhibitor is a super rust inhibitor for steel, copper and aluminum.
The characteristic and application of the vapor phase rust inhibitor treated paper with fabric reinforcement are introduced.
It is more than a year that the antirust period of thin-film antirust oil SY-100 developed with resin, rust inhibitor and other additives.
用树脂、缓蚀剂和其它添加剂研制的SY- 100薄膜防锈油在室内的防锈期可达1年。
Dehydrate not antirusting DF-128 oil it dehydrate pharmaceutical, rust inhibitor, in quality petroleum not light if assigning, make heating up in a steamer.
Based the principle of rust-removal with acid as well as the quantity of acid and temperature effects on rust -removal, triethyl phosphate, a new -type rust inhibitor, is prepared.
The experiment researches prove that the addition of the antiseptic, rust inhibitor and permeation resistance agent in the concrete is the simplest and economical effective measure.
Add some corrosion inhibitor to the hot water tank to provide part protection from rust or corrosion.
Add some corrosion inhibitor to the hot water tank to provide part protection from rust or corrosion.