The writer' s ability of generalizing decides one' s level of thinking and expressing in his writing.
Shanghai GM has allocated 10% of its overall media budget to the Internet in 2009, almost double 2007's level, he added.
The International Labour Organisation forecasts that unemployment worldwide will rise by around 30m above 2007's level in 2009.
Once the server has been rebooted, issue oslevel -s or oslevel -r and check if the OS level is now at the updated TL, as demonstrated in Listing 8.
So while new solar installations in 2012 are forecast to be 25% above 2010's level by volume, the revenue pool will be 23% smaller, reckons Commerzbank.
Once the server has been rebooted, issue oslevel -s or oslevel -r and check if the OS level is now at the TL level that was applied as observed in Listing 22.
In anticipation of lower demand for bonds from the Fed, they have been driving up the yields on U. S. Treasurys, which rose to their highest level in a month.
The S.& P. eventually fell well below the level where it stood before the Fed began cutting rates.
The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950's.
Dairy, meat and meat alternatives are on the pyramid \ 's third level.
Moreover, as a country s overall wealth increases, its average level of happiness does not.
Assessing the performance of the world "s schools, Mr Schleicher said Asia was soaring while Europe remained level and South America had slipped into relative decline."
But why should Canada and Japan have unemployment rates substantially below the U. S. level?
On the other hand, Zeng`s special writing style as well as her astonishing inotation has arouse a hot discussion on "individuality" and "level".
What level of your customer? S business knowledge support is needed for the project?
What level of your customer? S business administration support is needed for the project?
Analysts expect France's largest 40 listed companies to increase profits by 15% this year to a level nearly equal to 2008's record high.
Updating your HMC (s) to the latest level.
The S&P financials sector fell 2.1 per cent and is now at its lowest level in two years.
There is one top-level element, that contains a number of s.
The high-level model receives the event sent by the low-level model(s).
S-wave shaking the ground level.
Most streets in the U. S. are pretty level.
He also voiced his hope that the visit would help lift U. S. -china cooperation to a new level.
Notice the parentheses first: the highest level consists of two pairs: a complicated bunch of stuff followed by (\s).
首先,请注意括号:最高层次由两对括号组成:(\S) 前复杂的字符串。
Wednesday, the Dow industrials jumped 108 points, drawing closer to the 10000 level, the Nasdaq Composite rose 31 points and the S&P 500 added 16 points.
周三,道琼斯工业指数(DowIndustrials)暴涨108点,逼近10000点的高度,纳斯达克综合指数上涨31点,标准普尔上涨16 点。
Wednesday, the Dow industrials jumped 108 points, drawing closer to the 10000 level, the Nasdaq Composite rose 31 points and the S&P 500 added 16 points.
周三,道琼斯工业指数(DowIndustrials)暴涨108点,逼近10000点的高度,纳斯达克综合指数上涨31点,标准普尔上涨16 点。