Maintaining safe speeds and being electric, self-driving cars would drastically reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels.
A reliable supply of safe blood is essential for scaling up health at several levels, particularly for women and children.
Diabetes, especially when the blood sugar levels are above the safe range, causes changes in the eye that can result in cataracts.
And so although we may occasionally move to higher levels, we'll continue to fall back into that safe zone to communicate.
Handling conflict in a healthy and safe way without being rejected is what allows us to build the trust needed to communicate at higher, more vulnerable levels.
Santa fe is one of only 20 U.S. cities the ALA looked at with consistently safe ozone levels.
The MDG targets call forthe proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water andbasic sanitation to be halved by 2015 from levels in 2000.
What investors once deemed safe levels of capital and liquidity they now consider dangerously thin.
Other bacteria including food poisoning bugs e.coli and staphylococcus aureus were found on the phones but at safe levels.
'As a well-known and trusted provider of infant formula in China, we are completely confident that our products are safe and our quality levels are industry leading.'
While the levels of the chemical, perchlorate, have been deemed safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, some worry public health is at risk.
Investing a bit of time and energy in your family can tighten that core unit, make everyone feel safe and secure and raise happiness to levels you only imagined.
The study found about 50 percent of the shrimp the FDA tested after the BP spill had harmful carbon levels exceeding the level of risk deemed by the group to be safe for pregnant women.
Benzene levels in its soilare said to be 43,000 times the safe limit.
Xylitol as a product was first derived from Birch trees in Finland in the 19th century and was popularized in Europe as a safe sweetener for diabetics that would not impact insulin levels.
Safe levels of human exposure vary widely, but on top of things like brain damage and birth defects, some have also been linked to cancer.
The perchlorate was found in levels within a range that's been deemed safe by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The site also has world maps that show the levels of availability of safe drinking water from country to country. Users can compare information from 1970 and 2002.
As a result companies play it safe and put warning labels on products that may not in fact contain high enough levels of allergen to have any effect.
Tests on ground water show that levels of uranium around the plants are up to 15 times the World Health Organisation's maximum safe limits.
Food with radioactivity levels below these GLs is safe for people to eat.
When we put dosimeters on people's lapels to measure it we found that their noise levels most days was really low, really very safe.
Aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption, which remain well below established ADI levels, even among high user sub-populations.
Of that group, 63 people had blood mercury levels more than twice the recommended level and 19 showed blood mercury levels four times the level considered safe.
A city official said radiation levels in Koriyama are now safe, that they have decreased by time and clean-up efforts.
Check here. you're in safe mode now, so run a full scan of your PC at maximum security levels include the option to scan within compressed files, for example.
Check here. you're in safe mode now, so run a full scan of your PC at maximum security levels include the option to scan within compressed files, for example.