We watched the explosion from a safe distance.
This doesn't hurt them, but it keeps them at a safe distance so that they can't bite her.
I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.
Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders of land, where they can see and run.
Next I began to watch ants from a safe distance.
Remember to keep a safe distance at least one meter, Tina!
Don't forget to keep a safe distance (距离) at least one meter, Jack!
Here is what I imagine you do have, which I will possess, however briefly, from the safe distance of an observer behind a lens.
A laser beam like the one pictured up top combines short and long pulses of light to identify individual molecules with a high degree of precision from a safe distance.
It seems just possible that, looking back from a safe distance, Japan's people will regard this dreadful moment not just as a time of death, grief and mourning, but also as a time of rebirth.
That is because you can keep it at a safe distance when it hangs on the wall, but you can't escape it when it crawls into your ears.
In fact, the Federal Communications Commission already requires a safe distance warning with every cell phone.
Altogether, this gives startups a unique set of value drivers that allow them to compete with traditional powerhouses from a safe distance.
The concept involves the minehunter staying at a safe distance and deploying the unmanned surface vessel.
Again and another right until he reached what he thought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat there.
Model suggests how protoplanets kept a safe distance from the sun
Park rangers have had to intervene to keep tourists at a safe distance.
Developers resist constraints on their tools and process; therefore, whoever is managing the source code needs to keep the developers at a safe distance from it.
It relies on a series of cameras and ultra-sound radar sensors that ensure the car stays in lane and is a safe distance from other cars.
"Well, Oscar was smart," Donna said. "he generally kept a safe distance from my mother, but when she'd stop to talk to him, he'd stop too."
Also, when hiking a wooded route with others, keep a safe distance between you and the person ahead to avoid rebounding branches.
Be sure to set up your camera a safe distance away from any splashes and use your zoom to get right in on the action.
When hiking, always stay on marked trails and maintain a safe distance from any animals you encounter.
This illusory state of detachment can become addictive as we isolate ourselves a safe distance from the cruelty of our fleshly lives, where we are flawed, powerless and inconsequential.
In the event of a crash, NHTSA's advice to consumers is to do the same thing they would do in a gasoline-powered car - get out of the vehicle and move a safe distance away.
The first is the Triumph of Death, where you see what happens in real battle when people are just sort of slaughtered, and the commanders are off at a safe distance.
The first is the Triumph of Death, where you see what happens in real battle when people are just sort of slaughtered, and the commanders are off at a safe distance.