Shortly after the meltdown at Three Mile Island, the U.S. nuclear industry began an ambitious overhaul of its safety practices.
Shortly after the meltdown at Three Mile Island, the U. S. nuclear industry began an ambitious overhaul of its safety practices.
He asked people to gather round and then he started shooting, so these young people fled into the bushes and woods and some even swam off the island to get to safety.
There have been dozens of instances since 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island accident, in which nuclear reactors have had to be shut down for more than a year for safety reasons.
That's enoughelectricity to power 1, 000 homes, but on that empty island the projectwould "be intended to show its safety for everywhere else, " Reed saidin a telephone interview from California.
They swim to the safety of an island.
Let me keep all pretty things in my mind, where is my safety island, no body can destroy them.
The grating sensor comprises two pairs of gratings which are installed on a safety island, and the gratings are connected with a weighing control machine cabinet through signal cables.
John was half-way across the street when the light changed. He stayed on the safety island until it changed again.
The aim of this project is to collect public opinions on safety island and give a chance for them to design their own safety, suitable and habitable safety island.
France's ASN nuclear safety authority said the accident in Japan could be classed as level five or six on the international scale of one to seven, on a par with the 1979 US Three Mile Island meltdown.
Chapter 2 puts forward the automobile safety-detection system based on the annular island mode and its plan in detail by getting in touch with the theory about ranking and combining.
Chapter 2 puts forward the automobile safety-detection system based on the annular island mode and its plan in detail by getting in touch with the theory about ranking and combining.