On the other hand, the influence of route geometric condition on running safety and ride comfort tends to be more sensitive.
Based on the analyses of the effects of route alignment parameters on running safety and ride comfort, a model of dynamic interaction between vehicles and structures was established.
Therefore, a series of research tasks emerge from it. The dynamic performance of train system not only affects the increase of speed, but also the ride comfort and running safety.
The ride comfort of cab has direct influence on the fatigue of driver and then influences the driving safety.
Derail coefficient and ride quality are two quantitative standards for evaluating safety and comfort of train.
This permits a high level of lateral rigidity on the one hand for optimum dynamism and driving safety, while offering a great degree of longitudinal flexibility on the other to improve ride comfort.
Strength and stiffness of the frame on the vehicle dynamic characteristics of the vibration comfort, ride comfort, safety and life has a great impact.
The results show that the slab track on bridge can assure the safety of train operation, ride comfort and the safety of bridge structure.
The results show that the slab track on bridge can assure the safety of train operation, ride comfort and the safety of bridge structure.