He moved to the sales department.
There are several openings in the sales department.
Ten employees are being transferred from the sales department.
The marketing department has always played a subsidiary role to the sales department.
Is thingummy going to be there? You know, that woman from the Sales Department?
To the Sales department, a member is a subscriber and all dependents if that subscriber is eligible for renewal.
For example, the sales department is now able to add new users based on actual usage without increasing the complexity and cost of procuring new hardware, software, and administrative resources.
The sales department will need to extract only the name of the book, its item ID and the quantity ordered; because this is insensitive information it can remain insecure.
For example, a company's sales department can act as a requesting client when it receives an order from a customer and issues a production order to produce the items the customer purchased.
At the publisher's end, the sales department receives this order, processes it, and forwards it to the accounts department.
The sales department has absolutely no business specifying features, and should never be permitted to communicate directly with the technical side.
Let's assume a request for organization data comes from the sales department.
There's someone else who's"assigned" to look out for opportunities, either a boss in a smallbusiness, or perhaps a sales department or a managerial team in a largecorporation.
In this case, the whole XML document is decrypted by the sales department and the payment information is disclosed.
Mapping this policy, XML Encryption facilitates the concealment of payment information in the sales department and its disclosure in the accounts department.
This policy requires concealing the payment information in the sales department and revealing it in the accounts department.
The job of the sales department, on the other hand is to sell an existing product.
Sade's beauty, though, is not simply a matter for the gawkers and the sales department; there are very few faces like hers.
I "' m transferring your call to the sales department."
Their daughter works in the company's sales department and their son works in the island's salt mine.
For its own purposes, the sales department maintains another collection of IBM-specific information about organizations, as shown in Figure 7.
D. Determine whether performance information includes the accurate and timely presentation of expenses to sales department management.
Rolf is a user in the sales department. Rolf has a portable computer and frequently travels to customer locations.
The books-seller can encrypt the entire Order.xml file to produce an XML-encrypted file, which can then be sent to the publisher's sales department.
图书销售商可以对整个Order.xml文件加密,以产生XML 加密的文件,这样就可以发送到出版社的销售部门。
But the customer (sales department) needs early and continuous delivery to prioritize the requirements, run beta tests, adjust their sales process etc.
The tag receives a production order from an external client application (such as a software module used in the company's sales department).
For example, if you build software for an online bookstore, the customer can be the sales department of the online bookstore, not the person that buys a book.
For example, if you build software for an online bookstore, the customer can be the sales department of the online bookstore, not the person that buys a book.