Whenever women talk about their fallback plan it always involves a small town with an ordinary guy who just happens to look like Sam Shepard.
She'd fall in love with the vet who looks like Sam Shepard.
As space pioneer Chuck Yaeger (Sam Shepard) bitterly points out, these men all knew the risks they were taking as they rode their primitive capsules into space.
Sam Shepard is considered to be the most influential American dramatist at the present age, and his family trilogy, The Curse of the Starving Class, Buried Child and True West are his masterpieces.
Sam Shepard, as a representative of American Avantgarde theatre in the 1960's, has drawn the attention of such critics as Catherine Hughes, Ruby Cohn.
山姆·谢泼德是美国6 0年代先锋派戏剧的代表人物,目前已受到国外学术界中凯瑟琳·休斯,鲁比·科恩等学者的普遍关注。
With the flourish of the Off-Off Broadway movements, the 1960s' American dramatic world saw the emergence of a particularly promising playwright, Sam Shepard.
With the flourish of the Off-Off Broadway movements, the 1960s' American dramatic world saw the emergence of a particularly promising playwright, Sam Shepard.