Note: You can also embed a sequence of commands in parentheses to achieve the same result; however, there is one important difference.
It may also mean that you need more application servers to handle the same number of requests, so there is an obvious cost here.
It also allows you to run multiple copies of HP-UX on the same physical hardware.
它还支持在相同物理硬件上运行多个HP - UX副本。
You can also apply the same global variable principles to directories
On the flip side, with regards to #72, you could also say the same for accomplishments and joy
You can also run this script from the web browser to see the same output.
You may also want to perform the same action on the Draft documents view.
Pruning records from the audit log that you have already extracted into a text file also prevents you from extracting the same records a second time. To prune the db2audit.log.
While each of these might have some validity, in many cases the same general comments may also apply to many of the other projects you work on.
Note, if you already have a module you wrote, you can also just type in and run it to get the same exact result.
Also, if you do not wish to use the same number of containers in test that are in production, shorten the list and use fewer containers.
Also, you can use both platforms simultaneously on the same home network to access the Internet.
You would also have to eat together, out of the same plate, with everybody else.
You should also try to keep indexes and redo logs off the same volumes as your data.
You can also select different types of requirements to import at the same time (see Figure 15).
If you are using a clone of a remote repository and other users are also using that same repository, you want to retrieve the changes that they have made and pushed to that repository.
Also you can mix graphical and textual modeling in a same editor in order to take the best of both approaches.
As OAT supports multilingual, whenever you want to display the content in the browser, you also need to add the same in the specific language file.
The same skills that allow you to assign a positive emotional value to average daily activities also give you the power to devalue unwanted or inappropriate tendencies.
Actions. This component exposes all the same actions as the list component, but you also need to expose actions to consume the different constraints.
Also, you can appy OWL rules to map resources with different URIs to the same URI, if necessary.
During the installation, you can also instruct the DB2 Setup wizard to use this same account (the one you specified for the DAS) to own and start up all the other DB2 UDB services as well.
在安装过程中,还要告诉DB 2安装向导使用同一个帐户(及指定给DAS的帐户)拥有和启动其他所有DB 2UDB服务。
After you have successfully mapped every repository user to a CM user, you also have to do the same reversely.
So what I want to tell you is we also always get the same bond order if we instead only deal with the valence electrons.
At the same time, you should also expect many proprietary features to make it into the Microsoft implementation.
This bed is a great way to surprise your guests, and also you can be proud to have a stylish contemporary bed and two sofa's in the same time.
The game is also, if you stop to think about it, in the same cognitive family as lying.
The game is also, if you stop to think about it, in the same cognitive family as lying.