This sample application illustrates object caching and the exploitation of JSR168 state handling concepts, as discussed in Object caching and state handling.
此示例应用程序按照对象缓存与状态处理所述演示对象缓存和JSR168 状态处理概念的应用。
Wipe tests conducted by EWG's researchers easily removed BPA from the sample receipts, indicating that the chemical could rub off on the hands of a person handling the paper.
EWG的研究人员做的擦拭实验中,样品收据中的BPA很容易就被擦掉。 这表明BPA在收据的传递过程中很可能会被抹掉而存留在手上。
Note that the sample endpoint interface in Listing 1 is handling both run-time RemoteExceptions and application-level InvalidAuthorNames.
This concludes the detailed description of the sample implementation of the Claim Check pattern solution for handling a logical attachment.
Listing 2 is a sample of how a business method can be implemented in case of a bean-managed transaction (note that exceptions handling is omitted for simplicity)?
This sample does not include any custom serialization handling (though it could be altered, for example, to serialize the meetings service configuration part of the component state).
The sample application illustrates the handling of logical and physical attachments. It contains four modules.
On the Event Handling page, make sure that Add action listener and Add form sample are checked, as shown in Figure 5.
The error analysis and handling of sample analyzing can be often made in the geological prospecting.
Conditions used in stability experiments should reflect situations likely to be encountered during actual sample handling and analysis.
For each method the HPP is defining guidelines with recommendations for experimental procedures, sample handling and data analysis.
With faster and more robust analysis, however, the limiting steps in the analysis process are now in sample handling.
Sample handling occurs direct from the pressure canister or via pressure generator and is a much simpler method than the labor-intensive processes required by other high-pressure viscometers.
Also refinement of the investigation methods down to atomic scale needs more accurate sample handling.
Namely, the sample point handling, while sampling side of the spectrum operations.
The critical and difficult point of sample handling is sample dehumidifying and dedusting.
The trays can be used in sample preparation instruments such as liquid handling stations or cell harvesters.
In the data processing, increased efficiency, reduced sample selection bias, and greatly facilitate the handling of statistics.
The sample handling system should control the sample pressure and remove solid and liquids to ensure the sample presented to the gas chromatograph is clean and dry.
Dynabeads show excellent reaction kinetics comparable to liquid-phase kinetics, and are particularly well suited for automated sample preparation and handling.
The design features of sampling and sample handling system are described in detail. The main performance indexes and field application are also showed.
If a sample is toxic or potentially hazardous, the container should be prominently labeled with an appropriate warning and precautionary handling instructions.
Since the required sample volume is a mere 4.5ml and the sample cup is a test-tube type removable jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.
Since the required specimen volume is a mere 4.5 ml and the specimen cup is a test-tube type removable jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.
SFE as a green chemical technology offers better recoveries, less solvent consumption, less sample handling steps, cleaner extracts and environmentally friendly to conventional technology.
In the handling of hand sample, the question of image processing is introduced such as DIB, the build of image processing class.
To sample-handling equipment, such as automatic headspace sampler, we achieved a major breakthrough from design and development to production and technical service ;
To sample-handling equipment, such as automatic headspace sampler, we achieved a major breakthrough from design and development to production and technical service ;