After customer confirms the fit sample, whole paper size grading can be gone on.
What kind of sample size do you need to generally get close to that actual?
The sample size is of course very small, with specimens rare and samples for experimentation rarer.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: the field of statistics is based on something called the law of large Numbers: as you increase your sample size, no single observation is going to hurt you.
Their sample size is admittedly small, but what they found was significant.
The researchers also did something a lot of researchers do when their sample size is simply too small to study - they combined two groups that are potentially very different.
The researchers acknowledged the statistical limitations of the study due to the small sample size.
However, his sample size was small and the results were inconclusive.
Does the sample size of the population, is it large enough compared to the population as a whole.
But the sample size of the household survey is quite small, which means that it would be unwise to read too much into any one aspect of the report.
The larger the sample size the more certain you are that the sample’s performance reflects the real performance of the treatment.
Listing 2. display_func variable declaration, sample size incrementer.
清单2 . display_func变量声明、样例大小增量程序。
The study involved a small sample size -- just 20 students -- and more work needs to be done to understand the disconnect between your intentions and your actions.
The sample size was small; only 14 patients participated. However, researchers believe their results are promising.
My simulation ran 500 processes, to be sure to have a large enough sample size to be mathematically relevant.
To further unravel the story of this newly identified, still mysterious species, they say, a larger sample size is needed.
The sample size of a treatment is the number of people who received that treatment.
There were enough mothers but not other relatives in the study to provide a robust sample size for analysis.
Check the sample size, look at the percentage of the class with jobs, and look at what jobs they're getting.
As the sample size grows, it will more closely match the expected 75/25 ratio from the business items used in this example.
随着示例大小增长,它将更加接近本例中使用的业务项的预期 75/25比率。
The sample size was too small to be statistically significant, but it was accurate about 80 to 90 percent of the time.
Patterns are hard to spot because even when researchers use a large sample size, only a much smaller number of people will get cancer.
Statistical validity - Is the sample size big enough, and are the results ‘statistically significant’?
However, given the small sample size and limited nature of the population studied, naturally these results should be taken with a grain of salt until replicated by other researchers.
Bernardi's study is limited by a small sample size and uniformity between participants-all were healthy Caucasians between the ages of 24 and 26.
贝尔纳迪的研究由于参与者的样本量小和一致性而受限——都是年龄在24 - 26的健康白种人。
A second explanation could be that the sample size was not large enough to detect the relationship between these variables.
While we had some talented players in beta, it's still a very small sample size.
While we had some talented players in beta, it's still a very small sample size.