Experimental results on real medical images indicate that the measurement is not sensitive to noise and low sampling resolution and can effectively improve medical image registration precision.
By compensating with P-type bootstrapped switch, this circuit can overcome nonlinear distortion, which is generally introduced by signal-dependent on-resistance, and improve sampling resolution.
Compared with traditional inverse Fourier transform method, which used zeros padding method, at the same condition of sampling resolution, the method proposed could decrease the calculation load.
The Pipelined ADC architecture has the characteristics of high sampling rate as well as high resolution.
In explicit UPDATE STATISTICS operations in MEDIUM mode, a new SAMPLING SIZE option in the resolution clause specifies the minimum number of rows to sample for column distributions.
In explicit UPDATE STATISTICS operations in MEDIUM mode, a new SAMPLING SIZE option in the Resolution clause can specify the minimum number of rows to sample for column distributions.
As to phased array receiving, a scheme of separating the delay clock and sampling clock is explicated, which effectively enhance the phased receiving delay resolution.
Compared with other spectra analysis, such as Fourier entropy and periodic picture, this method has many advantages such as no limit to sampling length and higher resolution to the spectra.
Although the cumulative dip plot method can improve resolution of fine dip variation, it will induce pseudomorph as sampling is not even in depth.
Another element that influences the quality of sampling is the level of resolution, or quantization of a sampler.
The resize filters rescale the input video frames to an arbitrary new resolution, using different sampling algorithms.
The solution for linking twice sampling cycles, enhancing resolution of measurement of rotating speed, isolating and processing keying phase signal, are investigated.
The DEM spatial resolution and sampling method have a great impact on the watershed features.
To improve spatial sampling rate on the basis of reducing din scale is an important way to enhance resolution.
Besides, the target echo signal is often weak with strong noise, so data acquisition (DAQ) card should sustain high sampling frequency and resolution.
Comprehensive constrained inversion makes full use of detailed vertical resolution of well data and horizontal dense sampling, greatly improves resolution of impedance profile greatly.
Though increasing the time window length or the sampling number can improve frequency resolution, yet the calculation will be cumbersome.
In the aspect of defect inspection, according to the defect character of industrial printing image, a defect inspecting method of sampling and layering based on resolution technology is introduced.
The qualitative analysis of N polyaromatics in heavy oil was made by a double adsorption separation followed by the application of low voltage ionization and high resolution MS direct sampling.
With the method of over sampling and averaging, the resolution and signal noise rate(SNR)can be raised without extra ADC.
This paper presents the balanced sampling-a way to promote the stability of high time resolution sampling integrator.
A novel algorithm for reconstructing high resolution image is proposed based on 2d interpolation kernel by use of continuous image sampling and interpolation formula.
High sampling rate and high bit resolution provided in a single instrument enable designers to create ideal waveforms for accurate test of radar, satellite and frequency agile systems.
Owing to the different resolution of handheld devices, it is necessary to resolve the pixel sampling problem, i. e. image scaling technology.
RESOLUTION - Printed photographs should be scanned at a sampling frequency of at least 300 pixels per inch.
RESOLUTION - Printed photographs should be scanned at a sampling frequency of at least 300 pixels per inch.