This electrocircuit has three amplifiers and gains good performance. The relevant sampling result is also presented.
As with the bees, the broad sampling of options before a decision is made will usually result in a compromise acceptable to all.
This ensures that the result of the join is correct, but the sampling doesn't reduce the computing effort necessary to join the sources.
To find the sampling distribution of the Chi Square statistic, simply take the outcome of each experiment and compute a Chi Square statistic for that result.
The impact of sampling on the sample result, related to the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.
A negative test may also be the result of poor sampling technique (see below).
If, as in sampling or digital systems, some elemental equations are defined or used only at discrete points in time, a discrete-time system is the result.
The sampling velocity is not important in many testing system, but it may be re-quired to output the testing result real time.
Measured and analyzed the beat signal of LFMCW and simulated echo of object signals by sampling, computer processing, achieved satisfying result.
But the high frequency of sampling will result in the increase in data collecting, thus reduce the velocity of leaking detection.
The structure and features of the drum type sampler are described and sampling process and application result are narrated in detail.
In this paper, it is introduced to the influence of cavitation factor, measurement taps, sampling frequency and sampling time on the test result in pressure fluctuation test of the water turbine.
A concise result was obtained by sampling, which provided specific data for the macro-classification and evaluation and for working out strategies to control the stored product insects.
This method possessed wide applicability, accurate and exact result and less relative error. Besides, the determined result can not be affected in the weighable range of sampling.
Radar imaging must obtain an extent of target spatial spectral-domain sampling, and the filling of spatial spectral domain is in direct connection with the quality of imaging result.
Result of forest soil sampling indicates that: design-based approach is mainly based on the traditional investigation, the number of samples and study area are mostly considered by this approach.
Furthermore, on applying Time Fusion algorithm based on sampling sequence, the effective sampling rate can be multifoldly increased and the precision of result greatly improved.
Computer-based virtual sampling with the appropriate gate time decided for the single-molecular photons timestamps is processed, and the ideal detection result was obtained.
Last, it can be seen that the calculated flow and concentration field are correct by the comparison with the calculated result of ANSYS and sampling mensuration in the tank.
Sampling plane truncation error is a very important factor of affecting the result in time domain near field measurement.
The test result shows absorption of air pipe with automatic monitoring sampling is main reasons causing lower value than that of the five days sampling method do.
对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附、样品的放置时间、 吸收液的放置时间、采样高度等方面进行了试验。
The rule of changes of the diameters of air bubbles with pressure and sampling time, as well as the effect of the sizes of air bubbles on the result of air floatation treatment were studied.
The authenticity and the representativeness of material sampling and Measuring on site directly influence the objectiveness and accuracy of the measured data and the result judgement.
Using simulation result as a substitute for data of test sampling, obtains the relation between sample size and sum of buildings, and it would be helpful to calculation of sample size.
The result of sampling is ideal.
Researchers neglected the influence of sampling error, and small samples from F2 populations further reduced the variation. These deficiencies may result in wrong conclusions.
But when the sampling frequency of successive-approximation ADC is too high, the switched capacitor can't be charged properly. And this will result in too big conversion error.
You could also have just used sample (state. name) for the same result — sampling as many values as provided is the default.
你也有同样的结果只用样品(state .name) -采样提供了许多值是默认的。
The question, yet to be answered, is whether that was a result of the vagaries of sampling, or because local waters are warming up.
In particle filters (PF), sequential importance sampling will result in sample impoverishment and further the loss of diversity after resampling.