The sampling chamber is provided with a sampling opening controlled by the sampling valve.
The sampling chamber is installed with a sampling opening controlled by the sampling valve.
Because of its clog - proof function and tampers cleaning function, the clog - proof sampling valve has been widely used.
The sampling valve has the advantages of simple structure, complete function, convenient operation and difficult leakage.
The unit which consisted of two peristaltic pumps and a multi function sampling valve was controlled by a single chip microprocessor.
In order to solve this problem, this paper introduces a clog- proof sampling valve, which is suitable to the sampling of various fluid bodies.
The sampling valve has broad application at each stage of brewing and post-processing of wine and can be used for storage tanks of other wines or beverages.
When separating components or detecting concentrations, the sampling valve is set to allow the gas (liquid) to be measured to flow through the sample column.
Hardware interface includes A/D, D/A converters, programmable gain controller and multiplex sampling valve controller. software includes on-line process analysis and normal analysis unit.
Cooperated with RD safety circulating valve, it can entirely take the place of APR-M2 tool with the character of accurate sampling, reducing construction period, simple and safe sampling etc.
Take special sampling, pick feeding valve, and the moving microorganism pipeline.
The circuit including the main welding circuit, shows the interface, watch dog circuit, sampling circuit, trigger, synchronous circuit and electromagnetism gas valve etc.
In addition to continuous blowdown service, the Hancock high pressure drop valve is also used on feedwater bypass relief, sampling systems, drains and other services where erosion is extremely severe.
Even though the valve is not thoroughly cleaned after sampling, the sterile state of the valve body can still be well ensured.
Due to the simple operation and shut-off valves in the quick connects, the Single valve 6-port gas Sampler is an extremely safe method of gas sampling.
The liquid-phase sample injection valve ensured the sampling reproducibility.
Through needle valve can change the tee cross-sectional of low-flow adapter, thus changing the sample flow, and thus able to meet the requirements of toxicology sampling norms.
The inner end of sampling tube is one-sided slant wedge with the caliber of check valve;
Ltd. is the sole agent of SWISSFLUID by fluorinated polymer valve and sampling products in East China Region.
Ltd. is the sole agent of SWISSFLUID by fluorinated polymer valve and sampling products in East China Region.