I have been using the Samsung Galaxy s IIfor months and it is without doubt a better phone than the iPhone 4.
数月来我一直在使用三星galaxy SII,它无疑要比iphone4强大。
The Samsung Galaxy s took an Apple-like approach with a single design, but with the added tweaks for different carriers.
三星galaxy S采用的是类似苹果的单一设计,但是针对不同的运营商会增加新的调整。
A Samsung Galaxy S II retails for $499.99, but costs $199.99 when purchased with a two-year contract on the Sprint web site.
比如说一款售价499.99美元的三星Galaxy SII 在与Sprint签订2年的使用协议之后就可以降到199.99美元。
Fifteen seconds later, courtesy of another hit phone-the Samsung Galaxy s-south Korea, Japan, and Europe light up the same way.
15秒钟后,由于另一部热门手机——三星的Galaxy S,韩国、日本和欧洲也同样亮了起来。
Motorola says it's 7 millimeters thick, more than a millimeter thinner than the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy s II, and weighs 4.5 ounces.
摩托罗拉称,这款手机的厚度仅有7毫米,比iPhone和三星的Galaxy SII还要薄一毫米多,重仅4.5盎司。
We've recently learned that the international version of the Samsung Galaxy S Android phone can send video signals through the headphone jack.
我们最近听说三星Galaxy SAndroid手机国际版可以通过耳机接口发送视频信号。
This version of the Samsung Galaxy s is the one that departed most significantly from the standard form factor. That's mostly because it integrates a full 53-key slide-down hardware keyboard.
Samsung Galaxy s版本最值得关注的是其打破标准外形布局常规,使拥有53键的下滑硬件键盘一体化。
OLED technology USES the most power when displaying white, which is why Samsung chose a black background for the app menus on its Galaxy s phones.
OLED技术在显示白色时使用的电力最多,这就是为什么三星给Galaxy s手机的应用程序菜单选配了黑色的背景。
At the event, Samsung Electronics set to launch GALAXY s II LTE, its first LTE smartphone in Korean market.
在活动中三星电子正式向韩国市场发行了其第一部GALAXY SIILTE智能手机。
Samsung Electronics declared the launch of the Mobile HD era by unveiling the world's first LTE smartphone with the HD Super AMOLED GALAXY s II HD LTE.
三星电子声明,高清手机揭开了世界上第一部LTE智能手机的面纱,开启了超高清amoled技术GALAXY SIIHD LTE的时代。
The Infineon unit, which also makes chips for Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy S phone, had sales of 346 million euros in the fiscal third quarter, a 38 percent increase from a year earlier.
英飞凌的无线单元业务也为三星电子(Samsung Electronics)公司的Galaxy S手机制造芯片,在第三季度的财政报表中销售额达 3.46 亿欧元,较去年上升了 38%。
So when Samsung announced the Galaxy S, its first line of Android devices, expectations were fairly low.
所以,当三星发布其第一个系列的Android设备Galaxy S时,人们对它的期望是相当低的。
Samsung said it aimed to sell another 5 million Galaxy s handsets in the current quarter.
Samsung feels it is important to make the Android 2.2/Froyo upgrade available only after we feel that we can give the millions of U.S. Galaxy S owners a simple and reliable upgrade experience.
Samsung has a lot riding on the Galaxy s II.
Samsung has a lot riding on the Galaxy s II.