Geoffrey Z. Liu, Associate Professor, San Jose State University.
Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business at San Jose State University.
“This is the first unquestionably rocky planet orbiting a star outside our solar system,” said astronomer Natalie Batalha of San Jose State University, a member of the Kepler team.
San Jose州立大学天文学家NatalieBatalha说,毫无疑问,这是我们第一次探测到太阳系以外的岩状行星。
The cities of San Jose and San Francisco are now planning trials of the technology, as is the state of Arizona. New Zealand is hoping to be the first country to deploy it nationwide.
San Jose is only the third largest city in its own state, but the tenth largest in the entire nation.
As for its traffic woes, San Jose can thank the state of California for stricter regulations that have helped reduce the carbon monoxide and diesel particulates in the air.
As for its traffic woes, San Jose can thank the state of California for stricter regulations that have helped reduce the carbon monoxide and diesel particulates in the air.