If it wants to have a smooth texture, it flattens out the papillae, so it can acquire a smooth texture to blend in with the sandy bottom of the sea.
Bake the tart in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the pastry has a firm, sandy texture.
The salinity of soils varies greatly with texture of soils and total salinity of seawater and ranges from< 0.5% (sandy tidal flat soil)to 3.3%.
The soil were divided into five groups of soil, e, g, light clay, heavy loam, medium loam, light loam and sandy soil, using the group of soil texture of plowed layer as the mapping unit.
The occurrence and texture and structure of sandy dolarenite show that the beach sands was transported into to the sea in the process of transgression, and mixed…
其产状及结构构造特征表明 ,它是当时的海滩砂在海进过程中被搬运到海洋中 ,并与白云石砂屑混合而形成的。
The occurrence and texture and structure of sandy dolarenite show that the beach sands was transported into to the sea in the process of transgression, and mixed…
其产状及结构构造特征表明 ,它是当时的海滩砂在海进过程中被搬运到海洋中 ,并与白云石砂屑混合而形成的。