Frozen city line depth is 0.8 meters, for the sandy clay soil, the main road width of 40 metres, are laying asphalt.
For example, if one portion of pipe is in heavy clay soil and another is in well-aerated sandy soil, the portion in the clay will corrode with respect to the portion in the sand.
According to the test condition when slide mass is sandy clay, the authors study the deformation of anti-slide pile and soil resistance.
The soil were divided into five groups of soil, e, g, light clay, heavy loam, medium loam, light loam and sandy soil, using the group of soil texture of plowed layer as the mapping unit.
Region mainly by the clayey soil and sandy clay sandy soil composition, soil type is calcareous cinnamon tide.
At present, there is seldom construction application of the stabilized earth road subbase using low liquid limit silt soil or sandy silt soil with few fine clay fractions.
No-till works best in sandy soils, but in the heavier clay soils, fall traditional plowing is required to break the soil up enough for adequate crop yields.
The amount of nitrogen leaching in sandy loam soil exceeded in clay loam soil.
Quaternary red clay total nitrogen content was highest, but the available nitrogen content was lower than Granite soil and Purple sandy shale soil.
But in the sandy land, the change tendency of the soil moisture content is opposite to the clay land.
But in the sandy land, the change tendency of the soil moisture content is opposite to the clay land.