I'll get a place on a short-term rental near the beach -- I was born near the water, so it's in my blood -- work out with my trainer in Santa Monica, weight train at UCLA and do my yoga in Brentwood.
我会找个沙滩边的地方 (我在水边出生,它在我的血液里流淌), 签短期租借,与我的训练师在Santa Monica训练, 到UCLA练力量, 到Brentwood做瑜伽.
I'll get a place on a short-term rental near the beach -- I was born near the water, so it's in my blood -- work out with my trainer in Santa Monica, weight train at UCLA and do my yoga in Brentwood.
我会找个沙滩边的地方 (我在水边出生,它在我的血液里流淌), 签短期租借,与我的训练师在Santa Monica训练, 到UCLA练力量, 到Brentwood做瑜伽.