This example uses SAP GUI version 6.40.
我们这里使用6.40版本的SAP GUI 作示例。
The currently supported versions of SAP GUI are 6.20 (with patch level 52 or more) and 6.40.
当前SAP GUI的支持版本是 6.20(包含级别52或者更多的补丁)和 6.40 版本。
If you are using SAP GUI 6.4, saplogon.exe will be available from c: \ program files \ sappc \ SAPGUI.
如果您使用的是sap GUI 6.4,那么saplogon . exe存在于c: \programfiles \sappc \SAPGUI目录下。
The Functional Tester tool does not provide a specific wizard for configuring the SAP GUI for testing.
FunctionalTester工具并没有提供一种详细的测试SAP GUI的配置向导。
You need to configure the SAP GUI executable file as an executable or batch file and record your selection.
您需要将SAP GUI可执行文件配置为可执行或者批处理文件,然后记录您的选择。
When you are testing a SAP application, you first need to define the SAP system that SAP GUI client is connecting to.
当您开始测试一个SAP应用程序时,首先您需要定义一个SAP GUI客户端可以连接的SAP系统。
You can also perform property and data verification points on the SAP GUI, using the Functional Tester data pool framework.
您可以使用FunctionalTester数据池框架在SAP GUI 上执行属性和数据确认点。
Verification points for SAP are enhanced to capture any property of a SAP GUI object and optionally check it against an expected value.
SAP的确认点被增强为可以捕获任何 SAP GUI 的属性,并可以随意的针对一个预期数值做检查。
Figure 10 shows a recorded sample test script, where you can see confirmation of recognition of the SAP GUI objects, with their corresponding events.
图10显示了一个样本测试脚本,您可以在其中看到SAP GUI对象的带有相应事件的识别确认信息。
With Lotus Notes access for SAP solutions installed and configured, you can perform these basic tasks without having to leave the Notes client interface or log into the SAP GUI.
安装和配置好LotusNotesaccessforSAPsolutions 之后,您就可以执行这些基本任务了,而无需离开 Notes客户机界面或登录到 SAP GUI 中。
The support is built on top of SAP's GUI scripting framework and exposes all of the scripting capabilities provided by SAP.
Moreover, when using GUI tools for automation, 75% of the effort needs to be constantly re-worked to keep up with the changes to the SAP system.
A GUI-based wizard called External service discovery (ESD) facilitates the discovery of business services and metadata from SAP.
基于GUI的向导ExternalServiceDiscovery (esd)帮助发现SAP中的业务服务和元数据。
A GUI-based wizard called External service discovery (ESD) facilitates the discovery of business services and metadata from SAP.
基于GUI的向导ExternalServiceDiscovery (esd)帮助发现SAP中的业务服务和元数据。