Where burning Sappho loved and sung.
The utter lack of intuition that distinguishes Jong's young Sappho makes her authorship of this material simply impossible to believe.
An important Aeolian settlement, Lesbos was noted for its lyric poets, including Sappho, in the seventh century b. c. After occupation by various powers, the island was annexed by Greece in1913.
The writer of this article tries to indicate the similarities and differences of two poems by Sappho and in the Book of Songs through the language, the imagery and the point of view towards love.
本文对古希腊女诗人萨福与我国《诗经》中的 爱情诗歌在语言表达方式、 诗歌意象营造以及所宣扬 的 爱情观等方面进行了简要比较,呈示出二者 的异同。
The writer of this article tries to indicate the similarities and differences of two poems by Sappho and in the Book of Songs through the language, the imagery and the point of view towards love.
本文对古希腊女诗人萨福与我国《诗经》中的 爱情诗歌在语言表达方式、 诗歌意象营造以及所宣扬 的 爱情观等方面进行了简要比较,呈示出二者 的异同。