In a saree and a bindi an Indian woman will be a cynosure of all eyes.
The most common costume worn by Indian women is the national dress called a Saree.
Susan worked with Smith in the saree office. She esteemed him for the reason that man quickly after her own heart.
One feels like getting in and out of the plane in a business suit or a nice dress or saree - the way our parents travelled, in style.
试着感受一下我们父辈们那种穿着商务礼服、高档女装亦或是纱丽,在飞机上进出的入时生活吧。 当然你得花销高额的费用,不过也享受了同样质量的服务。
One feels like getting in and out of the plane in a business suit or a nice dress or saree - the way our parents travelled, in style.
试着感受一下我们父辈们那种穿着商务礼服、高档女装亦或是纱丽,在飞机上进出的入时生活吧。 当然你得花销高额的费用,不过也享受了同样质量的服务。