This paper explores the application of PMF in high-dynamic satellite navigation signal based on fast code acquisition.
Satellite navigation signal qualities measuring is the important work in the design and operation of the satellite navigation system.
It emphasizes researching algorithms of baseband signal processing and realizing navigation solution under condition of specific hardware and real-time satellite signals.
The modulation of Galileo Satellite Navigation System's signal is analyzed in this paper, especially, the basic principle of the BOC and ALTBOC is analyzed in detail.
The generation of high accuracy real-time pseudo-range data is one of the key problems that need to be solved in the development of navigation satellite signal simulator.
The system comprises the target trajectory calculation module, the error calculation module, the satellite navigation parameters generation module, and the signal modulation module, etc.
The system comprises the target trajectory calculation module, the error calculation module, the satellite navigation parameters generation module, and the signal modulation module, etc.