When saturated air is cooled, its moisture is released in the form of fog.
For each degree Celsius of warming, 7% more water is available to rain down from saturated air masses.
The cloud is based on the physical phenomenon of saturated air, condensation droplets floating in the space and condensation seeds.
The water evaporates because of the heat present within the fuel cell and it leaves the end of the cell configuration as a mixture of saturated air and liquid water.
Precipitation fog is a type of evaporation fog that happens when relatively warm rain or snow falls through cool, almost saturated air, and evaporation from the precipitation saturates the cool air.
Within about a millimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor.
Once the cloth is saturated and completely covers the mouth and nose, air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds ...
If a stratum of air saturated with moisture meets a very cold one, the fog begins to freeze, and becomes specks of snow.
After cooler out at the exit of compressed air temperature should be saturated steam, and air temperature should be pressure of compressed air condensation point.
Water vapor saturated compressed air flow into "online" dry tower.
Soil is said to be saturated when the air in all the pores has become replaced with water.
Air existing around the leaf is found to be saturated.
On the field, every molecule in the air is saturated with confidence.
Air is said to be saturated with water vapor when it contains the maximum amount that will evaporate at a given temperature.
This effect is possible because the air there is so saturated that sound waves can cause water molecules to condense.
Warm moist air from south of the Himalayas glided up over the cold dome and became saturated.
This new cubic type of status equation currently represents a relatively good mathematical model for calculating the phase equilibrium parameters of water and the properties of saturated humid air.
The supergeostrophic behavior of low level jet streams is caused by the nonequilibrium relating to the jet strengthening or weakening instead of the quasi-equilibrium of the saturated moist air.
This paper develops a model for measuring air permeability of partially saturated asphalt samples using falling-pressure method in laboratory introduced by Li et al.
Air condenser - For the condensing coil in the high side of Refrigeration System. high temperature and high pressure steam is cooled into saturated super cooled liquid in the condenser.
Temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and water vapor content in order that it shall be saturated with respect to water.
We've got water on the ground and in the air. And when the air can't hold any more moisture because it's totally saturated or it cools down, you get condensation.
The main reason is that the updraft over the ice rain area is weak, and the vapor in the air is not saturated.
All fibrous formations form from saturated solutions being squeezed out of pores in the bedrock (usually limestone) and depositing at they hit air.
When the air-gap flux of the induction motor is saturated, the conventional adaptive speed estimator cannot avoid the influence of the non-linear inductance variation.
The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells, and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.
Each spring it blossoms so profusely that the air becomes saturated with the aroma of apple.
Each spring it blossoms so profusely that the air becomes saturated with the aroma of apple.